
Services Overview

The Leominster Public Library is proud to provide a wide-variety of materials and services, free of charge, to help meet the informational, educational and recreational needs of residents of all ages. The library offers a variety of education and informational programs for adults including a book discussion group, income tax preparation, assistance. Find out more about our programs in our Calendar or in What’s New.

BooksMaterials Include

Books for children, young adults, and adults
Large-type books
DVD movies & TV shows
Music CDs
Special local historical and genealogical materials
e-reference and online databases & collections
Recorded books on CD & digital media players
Business resources and literacy materials.
Books in Spanish, as well as bilingual
   books and magazines.Videos
Career Information
Parent Resources
Talk-About Books
Teacher Collection
Magazines in print and online
Local and major newspapers
Consumer information             
  and much more...

Visit our Online Resources and Downloadable Media pages to discover the full array of resources that are available to you both at the library as well as from the convenience of your home. Through our membership in the Central/Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing (CW/MARS) network and the Massachusetts Library System, we can obtain materials and information for you quickly and easily from other libraries if we do not have them available locally.

The library reaches out into the community in a variety of ways. Deposit collections are delivered monthly to nursing homes, assisted living homes, and senior housing complexes across the city. Special arrangements can be made for library service for homebound patrons. Library staff is available by appointment to come to speak to your group, organization, or class.

Our expert reference librarians will assist you in using the library's resources to your fullest advantage. For more information about our services, Ask A Librarian.

Library Card
Business Resource
Meeting Room
Museum Passes
Homework Alert
Library Tours
Public Access

Library Catalog